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Report: IDF striking to destroy every trace of Assad's army and weapons

The IDF has reportedly launched one of the heaviest series of air strikes in Syria in its history - over 250 - in an effort to deny anti-Assad forces or terrorists control of any of it.

Fallout from IDF strike on Syrian military site. (Screenshot.)

In the last few days, the IDF has launched over 250 strikes with the aim of destroying every last bit of equipment belonging to the Syrian Army of Bashar Assad, with the aim of denying all of it to the anti-Assad rebels or terrorists.

Among others, the IDF struck the Syrian Scientific Studies and Research Center in Damascus - which has been connected to a Syrian biological, chemical, and long range weapons program - several times in the last hour (Monday).

The IDF Air Force also struck targets in the port city of Latakia, during Prime Minister Netanyahu's press conference an hour ago.

In addition, the IDF has struck tanks and any kind of aircraft belonging to the Syrian Army.

Meanwhile, the IDF has also increased its presence in the buffer zone it created on the Syrian side of the border, including troops and tanks, while strengthening the physical barrier dividing the two countries in the Golan Heights.


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