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Terror attack: Bus driver strikes 2 pedestrians in Bnei Brak, Driver arrested

We will update as soon as more information becomes available.

Scene of the accident (Photo: MDA Spokesperson)

A 21-year-old man and another pedestrian were injured when struck by a vehicle in Bnei Brak today, police and emergency services report.

The incident occurred on Ahronovich Street around 17:40pm (Israel time). Police quickly responded to the scene and detained the driver, while the circumstances of the incident remain under investigation.

Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedics treated the victim at the scene for injuries to his limbs and back. He was transported to Mayanei Hayeshua Hospital in mild condition. The other victim was also taken to hospital.

The police have classified it as a ramming attack and taken the driver, a resident of Northern israel, into custody for further questioning.

Scene of the ramming attack (Photo: MDA)
Bus driver rams 2 pedestrians in Bnei Brak (Photo: MDA)


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