Well, Since They're So Polite...

Syrian village leaders to IDF: Please leave

Leaders of Syrian villages along the border with Israel have released a letter asking the IDF to withdraw from the country, promising to take measures to secure weapons in the area.

Signatures of Syrian village leaders. (Uncredited)

A number of Syrian village notables have signed and published a letter calling for the IDF to withdraw from the Syrian side of the border, promising to ensure that no threats will be posed to Israel from their side, according to Kann 11 reporter Roi Kais.

The signatories promise that they will not fire on the IDF and that what weapons are in their possession would be handed over to the local police and that they would not fire in the air as they did in celebration over Assad's fall, let alone at Israeli forces.

They also said that they would form a local committee under the Syrian police force at the city of Quneitra which would ensure security in the area and maintain general law and order.

In return, the notables demand that the IDF withdraw back behind the separation of forces line and stop what they claim is expulsion of villagers as well as damage to their electrical infrastructure.


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