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USA makes huge mistake in Syria over the weekend

Channel 14 - Opinion: The Americans once again do not listen to Israel, and conduct themselves in a clueless fashion in the Middle East; In the end, those stuck with the consequences are the Israelis. 

Syrian rebels (Photo: Shutterstock )

The United States made a terrible mistake over the weekend and met with rebel leader Al-Julani, who appears to be the one who will replace Assad and become the next president of Syria. Abu Muhammad al-Julani is the leader of the rebel group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, which originated from the al-Qaeda terrorist organization.

Al-Julani is the man who wakes up in the morning, and before he drinks his coffee, he beheads. The Americans' move over the weekend to make Al-Julani "legitimate" is a big mistake. They normalized him as if the man was going to turn Syria into Saudi Arabia.

The Americans should have listened to Israel on this issue. This is another one of the Biden administration's delusional decisions, plus another truly delusional decision to budget Egypt with $5 billion for its buildup. This is the same administration that in the Obama era took the Americans out of the Middle East, and basically started what turned into today's chaos.

At the moment, we are not able to influence the Americans on this matter. They need to listen more to Israel, after all it's we who live in the Middle East. The Americans insist on not listening to us on this matter, as if we have nothing to teach them!

* Opinion by Noam Amir, Channel 14 News


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