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JENIN: Mahmoud Abbas' desperate efforts to impress Donald Trump - Here's what to know

As night falls in Jenin, the sound of gunfire echoes through the streets. The PA is essentially throwing out their entire security playbook in what appears to be a desperate gambit to reassert control.

(Photo: Uncredited)

In a dramatic departure from decades of security doctrine, Palestinian Authority security forces are now deploying RPG launchers on the streets of Jenin - a move that would have been unthinkable just months ago. This unprecedented escalation signals a potential watershed moment in West Bank power dynamics.

The scenes unfolding in Jenin's narrow alleyways tell a compelling story: PA forces, traditionally armed with little more than rifles and basic riot gear, are now conducting full-scale urban warfare operations. Video footage obtained from local sources shows security personnel utilizing RPG launchers - weapons that have been strictly off-limits under longstanding Israeli security protocols.

This radical shift comes amid mounting pressure from both Washington and Jerusalem. A senior U.S. State Department official, speaking on condition of anonymity, revealed that recent meetings with PA leadership carried an unusually stark message: "Act now, or watch your authority erode completely."

For President Mahmoud Abbas, 88, the stakes couldn't be higher. "He's fighting not just for control of the streets, but for his entire legacy," explains veteran Palestinian affairs analyst Mohammed Dajani. "This isn't just about Jenin - it's about whether the PA can remain relevant as a governing force."

The timing raises intriguing questions about the PA's strategic calculus. With potential changes looming in U.S. leadership and regional dynamics shifting in the wake of October 7, Abbas appears to be making a bold bet that dramatic action now could strengthen his hand in future negotiations.

However, this aggressive new posture carries significant risks. Israeli security officials are watching the situation with growing concern, particularly regarding the emergence of heavy weapons in PA hands. Every RPG launcher we see today could be pointed in a different direction tomorrow.

In the complex landscape of West Bank politics, today's bold solutions could become tomorrow's pressing problems. 


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