Here's Hoping It Will

Could an Iranian Spring be coming? The regime fears so

Mounting economic problems throughout Iran has the Islamic Republic on edge, 15 years after the 2009 rising against the regime.

Protest against the 2009 election results, Iran. (Photo: Hamed Saber - originally posted to Flickr as 5th Day - They Killed My Bro Koz He Asked: "Where's My Vote", CC BY 2.0,

The government of Iran issued a statement today (Sunday) commemorating the December 30, 2009 pro-government protests, meant to counter a mass movement of protest against the Iranian regime that year, according to Iran International.

The statement said that "With utmost intelligence and resilience, they [the Iranian nation] will navigate through the challenges and difficulties stemming from the enemy’s think tanks, manifesting in threats, sanctions, economic warfare, cognitive warfare, the injection of despair and hopelessness among the people, attempts to portray the system as ineffective, and fear-mongering within society."

This statement comes as Iran faces a raft of economic bad news, including double-digit inflation, a collapsing currency, massive unemployment, and a mid-winter fuel crisis that is making it hard to heat homes and run factories. Iran may be trying to prevent a possible social uprising fueled by discontent driven by these factors.


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