What goes around... 

Arab McDonalds worker mocks and assaults IDF soldiers 

The incident has touched a raw nerve amid heightened tensions, particularly as it targeted soldiers during wartime. 

A disturbing incident at a McDonald's in Ramat Gan's bustling Diamond Exchange district has sparked public anger after female IDF soldiers were allegedly mocked, discriminated against, and ultimately assaulted for wearing their uniforms.

Police swiftly arrested an 18-year-old employee from Ma'ale Iron following reports that he physically attacked the servicewomen who had dared to speak up about being deliberately ignored and ridiculed by staff while trying to order food.

The Bnei Brak-Ramat Gan police department confirmed the arrest and ongoing investigation, as the incident adds to growing concerns about treatment of service members in public spaces.

McDonald's Israel has yet to comment on the incident, which occurred at one of their busiest locations in the heart of Israel's financial district.


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