Gaza not looking too good for terrorists right now

Israel deals Hamas a deadly blow, the terror organization is suffering 

The war in Gaza continues constantly, with the IDF already holding 30% of the Gaza Strip. Hamas is concerned and describes it as the "loss of military control and governance in Gaza."

IDF forces in the Gaza Strip. (Photo: IDF Spokesperson)

A year and a quarter after October 7th, the war in Gaza continues, and the IDF keeps achieving victories and delivering severe blows to the terrorist organizations in Gaza.

According to the report on Channel 12 News, the IDF already controls more than 30% of the Gaza Strip, which is seen by Hamas as a defeat on the ground. According to the report, one of the objectives of holding the territory is to use it as leverage against Hamas to advance a deal for the return of the captives.

According to the report, Hamas is very troubled by the IDF's operation in the northern Gaza Strip, which it perceives as "losing military control and governance in Gaza." As a result, attempts by militants to escape from Jabalia are being made.

At the same time, as the IDF forces advance their operations within the Gaza Strip, there has been an increase in rocket fire from the Strip into Israeli territory. The assessment in Israel is that the firing is being carried out as the IDF approaches locations where terrorist organizations store rockets, and they are quick to "take advantage of the opportunity" and fire them before they are captured by the IDF.


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