To Stop Their Violations, But Details

Hezbollah leader Naim Qassem: Israel has violated ceasefire "hundreds of times"

Qassem said that Hezbollah was nevertheless giving the ceasefire a chance and relying on the Lebanese state to ensure that it is carried out properly.

Hezbollah leader Naim Qassem. (Screenshot.)

In a speech he gave today (Wednesday), Hezbollah leader Naim Qassem accused Israel of violating the ceasefire in Lebanon "hundreds of air, by land, in attacking homes, and entering places which it did not succeed in entering previously," according to reporter Roi Kais.

Qassem said that nevertheless, "this is a political stage which the state is dealing with...we agree that the state should be responsible for the implementation of this agreement and therefore we consider the aggression happening now - that it is taking place against the state and the international community and everyone who sponsors this agreement - it is their responsibility and they must bear the responsibility directly."

Qassem also clarified that his organization would assess the events of the war and learn lessons from it. Countering views that Hezbollah has hit a low point in Lebanese public opinion, Qassem stressed that Hezbollah's "credit" within Lebanon is great and influential and that his organization is working with its partners in Lebanon to elect a President for Lebanon, rebuild the ruins, bring about economic growth and start the process of healing the economy.

Qassem finished by saying that "the resistance continues," Hezbollah has restored its vitality, and that faith "allows the organization to become stronger."


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