Israel at war with no end in site

The senior official estimates: This is when the war in Gaza will end

Major General (Res.) Yaakov Amidror, former head of the National Security Council, on the issue of 'the day after' in Gaza: "If someone expected a surrender like in World War II, they are living in 'La La Land'."

IDF operating in Gaza (photo: IDF Spokesperson Unit)

Former head of the National Security Council, Major General (Res.) Yaakov Amidror, addresses the ongoing fighting in Gaza and the grinding down of the Hamas terrorist organization, and estimates how much longer the war will continue.

In an interview with Radio 103FM, Amidor said: "If someone expected a surrender like in World War II, they are living in La La Land. That won't happen. We need to continue crushing Hamas to the point where it will no longer be relevant in the Gaza Strip. When Sinwar was eliminated, no one asked how Hamas would respond. Why? Because it was no longer relevant as a threat to the State of Israel. This will continue for at least a year."

According to him: "We need to continue crushing it. Who is willing to enter Gaza today to fight Hamas? I know of no entity that both wants and can do it. Once we reduce it so that it is no longer a threat, we can talk about a third party. It was a rock, you turned it into gravel, now it needs to be turned into sand. And that is what needs to be done figuratively. Take the gravel that was a heavy rock on October 7, and turn it into sand."


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