I Hope They Completely Fail

AW, POOR BABIES! Iran struggling to have some relevance in post-Assad Syria

Iran has made a number of efforts to try and get on the good side of the new rebel leadership of Syria following the fall of Bashar Assad, to little avail.

Syria and Iran, on divergent paths. (Photo: Mahmudul-Hassan/Shutterstock)

Iran is preparing for the possibility that its efforts to get on the good side of Syria's new government will fail, and are instead seeking to stoke discontent and Palestinian irridentism in order to regain a foothold there, according to Kann reporter Roi Kais.

Iran's relations with Syria's previous ruler, former dictator Bashar Assad, were much closer, as substantial pro-Iranian and Hezbollah forces helped repel rebel attacks and offensives and helped keep him in power until a few weeks ago.

In exchange, Iran was able to use Syria as a conduit for smuggling of arms and resources to Hezbollah in Lebanon and other pro-Iranian forces in the country working to attack Israel, efforts which Israel had increasingly sought to interdict.

The new Syrian leadership is much cooler to Iran due to its support of Assad and some have even spoke of the need to sue Iran for the damages its efforts caused the Syrian people.

Meanwhile, the Syrian Foreign Minister said that Israel is an established fact for everyone in the region and that they would be open to negotiating with them when matters stabilize.


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