Amiram Levin : Netanyahu’s Fear of Public Anger Is Delaying the End of the War

SHOCKING: Former IDF Commander accuses Israel of Apartheid in Judea and Samaria

Major General (Res.) Amiram Levin, former commander of the Northern Command, spoke out today in an unusual manner regarding the IDF's activities in the territories: "Stop the incitement, the apartheid, and the abuse of residents in Judea and Samaria."

Amiram Levin (Photo: Avshalom Sassoni/Flash90)

Major General (Res.) Amiram Levin, former head of the Northern Command, was interviewed today (Thursday) on 103fm and said: "Stop the incitement, the apartheid, and the abuse of residents in Judea and Samaria." The interviewer asked: "Is Israel practicing apartheid in Judea and Samaria?"

Levin replied, "Of course, for years now."

Levin also said: "Our soldiers are dying in vain because it does not advance the goal. The echelon responsible for the soldiers' lives and for achieving the goal of bringing back the hostages should tell Netanyahu – 'Enough, this is an illegal order, we request to stop it immediately, to end the deal.'"

"Netanyahu is postponing the end of the war because he is afraid. Bibi is afraid of the unknown, and that is the end of the war, what will happen with the public's anger, the pressure on the inquiry committee, what will happen with the additional attention his trial will receive, and so on."

Israel may be a democracy but shocking accusations like the one in this interview show that such dangerous views have made their way into IDF command, which should be cause for great concern. Having commanders blast their own nation with lies is a major issue that Israel's leaders need to crack down on.


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