Judea and Samaria
Defense Minister Katz announced that he is rescinding administrative detention for Jewish settlers arrested by the government. The Shin Bet opposes this decision.
Possible terrorist attack
Like An FPS, But Real
Some good news
Sheer insanity
Hope Everyone's Safe Out There!
We'd Love To Have You!
Data Reveals Alarming Surge in Palestinian Terror
He Sounds Like He Means It
Build up the heartland
Cynical use of religious spaces
Heartbreaking: Father Faces Unimaginable Loss, Sitting Shiva for Son and Mother
Amiram Levin : Netanyahu’s Fear of Public Anger Is Delaying the End of the War
Your worst nightmare
Defense Minister Katz Warns of Imminent Threat in Judea and Samaria
They should be scared of us
Gush Etzion's Ongoing Fight Against Terror: Battalion 910's Major Achievements
Baruch Dayan HaEmet
Israel Won’t Halt UNRWA Services in Gaza and West Bank, Agency Asserts
PA Official Rajoub Gives Green Light to Attacks on Israelis, Sparks Outrage