"I'm a soldier in the Jewish army"

Hasidic Singer Mendel Roth shares his excitement about joining the IDF's "Hashmonaim" Brigade

Mendel Roth, a Hasidic singer and the son of the Shomrei Emunim Rebbe, has expressed his excitement and pride after joining the IDF's new haredi "Hashmonaim" Brigade. He even posted a video from his room at the brigade's base in the Jordan Valley, Roth shared his emotions as he began his journey as a new recruit.

Menachem Mendel Roth (Photo: Screenshot from Youtube)

"I am a Jewish soldier in the Jewish army, in the Holy Land," Roth declared enthusiastically in the video, radiating excitement about his enlistment. He went on to share his thoughts on the first few hours of his service, describing it as a significant and historic experience. "This is serious business," he said, emphasizing the importance of what he and his fellow soldiers were about to embark on. "We are making history, doing something great, and we’re going to fight for the people of Israel to unite the people of Israel."

Throughout the video, Roth highlighted the camaraderie with his fellow soldiers, describing them as "sweet guys" and "souls sweet as honey." He expressed his gratitude for taking this step, saying, "How wonderful it is that I took this step. Am Yisrael Hai."

Roth's enlistment in the IDF comes after he shared a heartfelt message with the haredi community, urging them to unite in defense of Israel. A day before his enlistment, he released a new song, calling on his brothers from the haredi community to join forces, enlist, and defend the nation.

About a month ago, Roth publicly announced his decision to join the IDF’s combat service, a post that garnered widespread attention with thousands of likes and hundreds of supportive comments.

Israel national news contributed to this article.


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