World's Largest Fusion Lab Takes Shape in China
According to Reuters, the facility has "a similar layout to the $3.5 billion U.S. National Ignition Facility (NIF) in Northern California, which in 2022 generated more energy from a fusion reaction than the lasers pumped into the target."

New satellite imagery has revealed that China is constructing what appears to be one of the world's largest laser fusion research facilities in Mianyang. The facility's experimental bay is reportedly 50% larger than its U.S. counterpart, the National Ignition Facility (NIF) in California.
The Chinese facility features four "arms" designed to house laser bays and a central chamber where hydrogen isotopes will undergo fusion experiments, according to analysis by Decker Eveleth from CNA Corp. The layout mirrors the $3.5 billion NIF, which made history in 2022 by achieving "scientific breakeven" - generating more energy from fusion than the lasers put in.
This development could have implications for both nuclear weapons research and clean energy advancement. While laser fusion research is permitted under international treaties, including the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, it can provide insights into nuclear weapon behavior without actual testing. The U.S. has conducted over 1,000 nuclear tests historically, compared to China's 45.
The facility, known as the Laser Fusion Major Device Laboratory, is being built on land that U.S. officials previously identified in 2020 as new research areas. China's foreign ministry has referred questions about the facility to relevant authorities, while the Science and Technology Ministry hasn't responded to inquiries.
Nuclear policy analyst William Alberque from the Henry L. Stimson Centre notes that facilities of this type can help countries improve existing weapons designs and facilitate future developments without actual testing. However, some experts suggest that the scientific value may be limited for countries with fewer historical nuclear tests to use as baseline data.
The site joins similar research centers operated by other nuclear powers including France, the UK, and Russia. These facilities' sizes typically reflect the amount of power designers estimate is needed to achieve fusion ignition, though modern technology might allow for more efficient designs.
The news emerged through analysis of satellite imagery by researchers at CNA Corp and the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies. Construction documents shared with Reuters confirm the facility's purpose as a major laser fusion research center.