
EU condemns Iran's attack on Israel

The European Union Parliament voted to condemn Iran following its attack on Israel, and called for the Revolutionary Guards to be added to the list of terrorist organizations. Foreign Minister Israel Katz praised the move: "We are tightening the choke around the neck of the Iranian octopus."

European Union (Photo: Shutterstock)

The European Union Parliament voted last week in favor of an unprecedented condemnation against Iran following its attack on Israel. The resolution, passed by a large majority of 357 supporters against 20 opponents, strongly condemns the Iranian attack and emphasizes the European Union's commitment to Israel's security.

The declaratory resolution includes a call to include the Revolutionary Guards on the list of terrorist organizations and to expand sanctions against the regime, including in the fields of oil and banking. Also included is recognition of Iran's non-compliance with the nuclear agreement and the provision of an ultimatum to comply with the agreement if Security Council Resolution 2231 is not implemented, alongside recognition of Iran's role in destabilizing the Middle East, including support for Hamas. Finally, the resolution calls for the implementation of Resolution 1701 in Lebanon.

Foreign Minister Israel Katz welcomed the condemnation and said that it was "another Israeli political success and another blow to Iran." "We are tightening the choke ring around the neck of the Iranian octopus and we intend to chop off its arms as well. The free world understands that Iran is the biggest danger to regional and global order and peace and the biggest exporter of terrorism in the world," he stressed.

"The murderous regime in Tehran is violating its nuclear agreement, developing offensive missiles and exporting the Shiite revolution to the entire Middle East and Europe through the Revolutionary Guards and other terrorist organizations," he added. "The European Parliament's decision is a milestone and marks goals that we will work to promote - imposing crippling sanctions on Iran and curbing its aggression. I congratulate the European Parliament for the important and unprecedented statement today and call on all European leaders to act accordingly. Iran must be stopped now - before it is too late."


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