Man Certainly Earned It

POLITICO: Donald Trump will be Time's Man of the Year

President-elect Donald Trump will be announced as Time Magazine's Man of the Year tomorrow, as the Republican managed to win a sweeping electoral victory against all odds.

Donald Trump. (Photo: Anna Moneymaker/Shutterstock)

President-elect Donald Trump will be Time Magazine's Man of the Year for 2024 thanks to his stunning comeback from legal troubles and unpopularity to win not only the election but also the American popular vote in 2024, according to Politico.

This is not the first time Donald Trump adorned the cover of time as Man of the Year - he also received the title when he won the presidency of 2016, shocking the nation with a narrow electoral college win.

In that election, TIME said that "Trump did what no American politician had attempted in a generation, with defiant flair" and that "Whatever you think of the man, this much is undeniable: he uncovered an opportunity others didn’t believe existed, the last, greatest deal for a 21st century salesman."

In a mirror image of 2024, the 2016 piece said that "The national press, the late-night comics, the elected leaders, the donors, the corporate chiefs and a sitting President who prematurely dropped his mic—they all believed he was just taking the country for a ride."

And in 2024, he did it again.


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