Yemen Conflict Escalates: Saudi Shelling Strikes Houthi-Controlled

Saudi Shelling Reported in Yemen: A New Chapter in the Conflict?

In Yemen, there are reports of unusual shelling from Saudi Arabia that hit several buildings in the Houthi-held Al-Hou area, which could be the first Saudi attack after a prolonged period of inaction.

Scene of the rocket hit

In Yemen, heavy artillery fire is being reported from Saudi Arabian territory into the area controlled by the Houthis in Yemen.

Media outlets affiliated with the Houthis in Yemen report on several artillery launches and bombings from the border area with Saudi Arabia into Yemeni territory, focusing on the coastal area under the control of the Houthi terrorist organization.

The circumstances of the attack are still unclear, as the Saudis chose to stay away from the conflict in Yemen, where they conducted a bombing campaign against the Houthis for many years without success. The Houthis report several shellings carried out from a mountainous area towards the coastal region, and have inflicted damage on several buildings in the area.

The Saudis have remained surprisingly restrained and quiet despite everything happening in their backyard. Before the war began, the Saudis worked to reach a ceasefire with the Houthis and even urged the U.S. to remove them from the list of international terrorist organizations.


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