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Ronen Tzur: "We Must Stop"

Ronen Tzur's surprising call to join the government

The publicist and political activist Ronen Zur came out with a surprising statement, in which he called on the Twitter network to the members of the opposition to agree to enter the Netanyahu government as a result of the situation in the country

Bentzi Rubin, Srugim News
2 min read
Screenshot, 12 News
Screenshot, 12 News

The political activist Ronen Zur, known for his extreme statements against the government and its members, makes a surprising call and urges the opposition to join the government led by Netanyahu.

Tzur is known for his harsh and extreme statements against the government, Netanyahu, and any cooperation with them. He has been committed for some time that Prime Minister Netanyahu, Justice Minister Levin, and others from the coalition will "end up in political oblivion" and will stand trial for crimes against the state and other charges.

Now, Tzur surprisingly posts a tweet in which he pleads: "We must stop. The 9th of Av, the most difficult and painful. The atmosphere of real destruction. A conversation of departure from all directions. A terrible farewell discourse. The once-solid concrete army becomes a fragile reed. A feeling of existential dread, uncertainty, and panic in millions of homes. We must stop. Predatory wolves around us await a moment of weakness. Fanatical extremists among us serve the enemy. Agents of treachery, whose source of funding is in malicious countries, ignite a fire among us. We must stop."

In addition, Tzur appeals to the opposition members and urges them: "I beg of Gantz, Eizenkot, and Michaeli. Our existence and strength are more important than our anger. Please. Enter now into an emergency government. Replace the fanatics. Take command of security, justice, and internal security. Put a stop to the madness. Don't let them destroy the house. Before the blood. Before the sweat. Before the tears. We must stop."

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