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Netanyahu Interviewed Abroad

Another interview abroad: Netanyahu again refused to say whether he would obey the High Court

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu again avoided answering if he would comply with the High Court's ruling that would invalidate the law to reduce the Clause of Reasonability, saying in an interview with NBC that he "hopes they don't invalidate the law"

Photo: Yonatan Zindel/Flash 90
Photo: Yonatan Zindel/Flash 90

The interviews blitz abroad continues: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was interviewed last night (Tuesday) by the American NBC News network. Once again, he evaded answering the question of whether he would obey the Supreme Court's ruling if it decides to invalidate the law to reduce the Clause of Reasonability.

"We must follow two principles: one - the Israeli government obeys the decisions of the Supreme Court, and at the same time, the Supreme Court respects the basic laws - which are the closest thing we have to a constitution," said Netanyahu. "I believe that we should uphold both principles."

However, when the presenter, Raff Sanchez, asked Netanyahu whether he commits that the government will comply with the court's decision, Netanyahu refused to say whether he would do so and only stated that he "hopes they will not invalidate the law."

Netanyahu also addressed the wave of protests in the country against the judicial reform and argued, "There will be no civil war, I can guarantee that. When the dust settles, people will understand that it was necessary."

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