Gallant Reveals

Gallant reveals: Iran is building an airport in southern Lebanon

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant spoke at the annual conference of the Institute for Counter-Terrorism Policy and revealed, "Iran is establishing an airport for terrorist purposes in Lebanon - 20 km from Israel's border."

The Iranian airport in southern Lebanon

Defense Minister Yoav Galant spoke today (Monday) at the annual conference of the Institute for Counter-Terrorism Policy at Reichman University and revealed, "Iran is establishing an airport for terrorist purposes in the Kalat Jabour area in southern Lebanon - 20 kilometers from Israel's border."

"Iran is currently the most significant threat to the State of Israel, regional stability, and the global order. It aspires to acquire military nuclear capabilities, and is closer to that than ever before."

Minister of Defense (Photo: Gilad Kolarchik)

"Amid the changes in the Middle East, Iran is engaged in a process of geographic and ideological takeover of the region's countries, promoting global terrorism, and attempting to destabilize existing states. Iran's goal is to create a multi-front war against Israel along all its borders while simultaneously continuing to develop and acquire nuclear weapons. These efforts impact all the surrounding states."

"The recurring provocations from Hezbollah on the northern border are a dangerous and arrogant act driven by Iranian encouragement. Nasrallah seems to have forgotten the true balance of power between Israel and Hezbollah. He seeks to portray himself as a 'protector of Lebanon,' but in reality, he holds Lebanon and its citizens hostage to advance Iranian and Shiite interests. If he makes a mistake, he will turn into a 'destroyer of Lebanon.'"

"I am revealing here, for the first time, images of an airport for terror purposes that Iran is establishing in the Kalat Jabour area in southern Lebanon, just 20 kilometers from the Israeli border."

The Iranian airport in southern Lebanon

"The land is Lebanese. The control is Iranian. The target is Israel. If we reach a collision, we will not hesitate to unleash the lethal power of the IDF. Hezbollah and Lebanon will pay a heavy and painful price."

The final goal is to create another front against Israel

Furthermore, Gallant also addressed other arenas facing Israel, including Syria, Gaza, and Judea and Samaria. He stated, "In Syria, the Iranian effort to establish a militant army against the State of Israel continues. Through the security system, we will not allow the creation of Hezbollah 2 in the Syrian Golan Heights, and we will prevent the use of Syrian territory as a springboard for transferring weapons from Iran to Hezbollah.

"In Gaza, the Palestinian terrorist organizations, Hamas and Islamic Jihad, are becoming instruments in the service of the Iranian evil axis. Iran is the supplier of money, knowledge, and direction for Gazan terrorism.

"Recently, there has been an Iranian effort along the Iraq-Jordan border to challenge Jordan's eastern border using Shiite militias operating and established in Iraq under Iranian control.

"The ultimate goal is to create another front against Israel along the Jordanian border, the long border from Eilat to the Sea of Galilee. Behind the wave of terror that affects Judea and Samaria, Iran is also involved: funding, means of warfare, intentions, and the goal of sowing destruction and terror against the State of Israel and its citizens."

Major changes are made by broad agreement

"In the face of all these challenges, the State of Israel stands strong – our military, intelligence, economic, and technological strength enable our existence in a hostile and challenging environment.

"As the Minister of Defense, I affirm that the State of Israel has the power and the capability to defend itself by its own means and prevent Iran or any other enemy from carrying out its schemes."

"We need to unite our ranks and be able to face together the challenges of readiness, in the air, at sea, and on land. In the past year, we have been dealing with a growing divide in Israeli society regarding the balance of power between the authorities."

"The price could be very heavy, too heavy, in the context of national security, and therefore major changes should be made with broad consensus."

We have an obligation to return and deal with the main thing

"As the head of the security establishment, I declare here: The ongoing internal struggle between various factions in the State of Israel is undermining both the IDF and other security organizations, exacting a price that the IDF and the security system cannot bear.

"In the face of the significant challenges ahead, especially the security threats that could also become existential threats, we must clearly state to ourselves: Our foremost duty is to prioritize security, normalize relations with our neighbors, foster a thriving economy, and uphold the rule of law. These take precedence over any other national effort, and they are more important than any of them. This is the priority, this is the precedence, and everything else should wait for the right time and the appropriate manner."


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