"You have Shown Courage"

Tribute to the fighters who killed the terrorist: "You have shown courage"

Certificates of appreciation were awarded to the soldiers who thwarted the terrorist from carrying out the attack in the Jordan Valley. Border Guard Commander Brigadier Brik Shacham said, "You prevented him from carrying out more attacks." It was also reported that the injured soldier will soon return to the unit

(Photo: Police Spokesperson)

Certificates of appreciation were awarded today (Thursday) to the fighters of the Matilan Unit from the Judea and Samaria Border Guard for neutralizing the terrorist involved in the attack in the Jordan Valley last week.

As previously mentioned, last week a terrorist opened fire towards soldiers near the Argaman settlement in the Jordan Valley. In response, the forces returned fire and neutralized the attacker.

During the appreciation ceremony, Border Guard Commander, Brigadier General Brik Yitzhak, praised the soldiers: "The terrorist opened fire towards you in an open area at a time when you were sweeping the area to locate him. A soldier is measured by events like these, and you, the fighters of the Matilan Unit of the Border Police, proved your bravery with extraordinary determination in a response that stood out in which you engaged the terrorist in a life-threatening battle."

"The wounded soldier will soon return to the unit"

Brigadier General Brik continued to commend the soldiers and mentioned that the wounded fighter, who was injured during the exchange of fire with the terrorist, will soon be joining them: "I am proud of you for the way you acted. On behalf of all the people of Israel, I thank you for preventing the terrorist from carrying out further attacks against civilians, thereby saving lives.

"At this opportunity, I wish a speedy recovery to the soldier who was injured in combat. He is feeling better and will soon return to fight alongside his comrades in the unit. Let it be known to anyone who tries to harm us that the Border Guards fighters will continue to be the shield protecting the people of Israel."

(Photo: Police Spokesperson)

The certificate of commendation from the IDF Border Guards commander reads: "On September 5th, fighters from the Matilan unit of the IDF Border Guards in Judea and Samaria were dispatched to an event following suspicions of a terrorist attack in the Argaman area in the Jordan Valley. The fighters were tasked with conducting scans near the village of Zbeidat based on intelligence information regarding the presence of the terrorist in the area."

It further states: "During the operation, the terrorist opened fire at the forces. Although the gunfire resulted in the injury of one of the soldiers, the forces responded with precise fire and neutralized the terrorist. In this operation, the fighters demonstrated pursuit of contact, determination and professionalism, once again proving that the Border Guards are the protective wall of the State of Israel. That is much appreciated. Well done!"


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