Sharp criticism of Ron Koffman: "Suspend immediately"
Following Ron Koffman's statements, there has been sharp criticism of the journalist within the political establishment. Housing Minister Yitzhak Goldknopf stated, "In another country, they would cry anti-Semitism." Deputy Finance Minister Michal Waldiger commented, "A red line"

In the political arena, there was strong criticism today (Tuesday) of the remarks made by journalist and radio host Ron Koffman this morning on Radio 103. During the morning program, the broadcaster criticized Knesset member Israel Eichler, saying, "We need to clean the place from the inside, the Eichlers, 13% of the public who are a cancer in the public sphere."
Goldknopf: "An unfortunate statement that cannot pass in silence"
In response to the harsh remarks, Minister of Housing Yitzhak Goldknopf tweeted on his Twitter page: "We are in the midst of the Ten Days of Repentance, days of soul-searching and Jewish unity. It is shocking to hear such incitement against an entire public in the country in a broadcast. Such despicable expression cannot pass in silence. In another country, they would cry out that it's anti-Semitism. I expect the station management to suspend the broadcaster immediately until he apologizes for the serious things."
Shas party leader, Minister Aryeh Deri, said, "To label a Jewish public as 'cancer' is a terrible low that reminds us of what our enemies did in exile, when they despoiled the human dignity of Jews and sanctioned their bloodshed. These are horrifying and repugnant statements that must be condemned unequivocally. No differences of opinion should allow the discourse to deteriorate into such extreme incitement."
Deputy Finance Minister MK Michal Waldiger also strongly criticized the radio host: "Ron Koffman is known for his big mouth, but his statement today must cost him dearly. Every line has a red line. The Haredim are not a cancer; they are a beloved and dear sector. Perhaps it's worth visiting the oncology department before spouting such falsehoods."