Biden Invited Netanyahu

The White House confirms: Biden invited Netanyahu to Washington

The White House confirmed that the US President invited the Prime Minister to a meeting in Washington until the end of 2023. They also noted that Biden "expressed concern about changes in Israel's democratic system"

Netanyahu & Biden (Photo: Avi Ohion, GPO.)

Hours after the meeting between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Joe Biden in New York, the White House confirmed this evening (Wednesday) that Biden has invited Netanyahu to another meeting at the White House that will take place until the end of 2023.

According to the American administration's statement, "President Biden and Prime Minister Netanyahu discussed a series of regional and global issues, of common interest to both countries. Biden reiterated the strong alliance between Israel and the United States, based on the shared democratic values of the countries, and the commitment of the United States for the security of Israel".

They also referred to talks on normalization with Saudi Arabia: "Netanyahu and Biden discussed promoting steps towards a more connected and developed Middle East, including efforts to expand and deepen normalization with countries in the region." It was also said that "Biden and Netanyahu reiterated their commitment that Iran will never acquire nuclear weapons, and discussed measures against the terrorist threats of Iran and its affiliates."

The White House also commented on the tensions surrounding the legal reform and the fear of damage to democracy: "President Biden expressed concern about significant changes in Israel's democratic system, without reaching as broad an agreement as possible." At the same time, it was said that Biden "stressed the need to take immediate actions that will improve the security and economic situation in the West Bank, which will be able to preserve the ability to reach a two-state solution and promote lasting peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians."


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Israel-Gaza War

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