Hazardous Material Leak

A hazardous material leak event was announced at Haifa port

A hazardous materials leak incident was declared at the Haifa Port after a toxic and flammable substance began leaking from a collection of containers. Firefighting and rescue teams were called in to address the leak

(Fire and rescue spokesman, Haifa station)

Firefighters from the Haifa station were called to the Haifa Port, where a leak of hazardous materials was identified from several containers currently undergoing thorough inspection.

The hazardous material leak was discovered on a ship that entered the hazardous materials terminal of the Haifa Port, after preparations were made to unload the containers, and a leak of hazardous materials was detected from them.

Teams of firefighters from the local station, under the command of Major Barak Silam, arrived at the scene. In the presence of Major Kfir Jenach, Deputy Commander of the Haifa station, the leaking material was identified as toxic and flammable, and the area was evacuated of civilians who were not protected.

At this time, the containers are being offloaded and undergoing systematic inspections to locate the source of the leak, which has been categorized by the forces on the scene as "minor and controlled," with no current danger to civilians or the environment.

As of now, all suspected containers have been removed from the ship, and firefighting teams conducted tests using hazardous material detectors to identify the leaking container. The on-site commander instructed the personnel to use water spraying to prevent the accumulation of hazardous material vapor.


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