
Netanyahu Calls Biden to Thank Him for the Aid

Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke with American President Biden about Hamas: "We've never seen such barbarism in the entire history of the State of Israel. They're worse even than ISIS - and that's how we have to treat them."

On the phone with Biden. (Photo: Government Press Office)

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu spoke today (Tuesday) with American President Joe Biden for the third time since the outbreak of the war. The President repeated his full support for Israel and its right to defend itself. The Prime Minister thanked the President for his unconditional support and made it clear that a powerful and prolonged campaign would be needed, which Israel would win.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said in conversation with President Biden that "...Mister President, Joe. I want to thank you for your continued and unequivocal support and the work of your entire administration to support us. The Israeli people were deeply moved by the emotion than Admiral Kirby showed in his interview yesterday, it was deeply moving, and it represented the depth of commitment that you have, that your administration have, and the American people across the board have for Israel."

"Joe, I want to give you a clear picture of the difficult situation we face. We were struck Saturday by an attack whose savagery I can say we have not seen since the Holocaust. I mean, we had hundreds massacred, families wiped out in their beds and their homes, women brutally raped and murdered, over a hundred kidnapped, including children."

"And since we last spoke, the extent of this evil, it's only gotten worse. They took dozens of children, bound them up, burned them, and executed them. They beheaded soldiers. They mowed down these youngsters who came to a nature festival, and just, you know, like, put five jeeps around a depression in the soil, and like Babi Yar - they mowed them down, you know? Making sure that they killed everybody."

"We've never seen such savagery in the history of the state. They're even worse than ISIS. They're even worse than ISIS - and we need to treat them as such."


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Israel-Gaza War

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Netanyahu, Biden, Israel

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