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More Jewish Than Bibi? Trump Outflanks Netanyahu on Israel

As Trump takes a bold, pro-Israel stance, Netanyahu is left scrambling. Is Israel ready for a leader who can match Trump’s vision and decisiveness?

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Strange times indeed. Perhaps never in 3,800 years of recorded Jewish history has the leader of the world held such a pro-Jewish stance. But more strikingly, never has the contrast of character between him and the leader of the Jewish people been so stark.

Few have likely paused to consider this, but the question is unavoidable: What do we do when the President of the United States proves to be a more balanced, pragmatic, and visionary leader, understanding the needs of the Jewish people, than the man entrusted with the security of the Jewish people and the only Jewish state?

On nearly every issue—whether the Palestinians or Iran—Trump has a more practical and decisive stance than Netanyahu. It is hard to believe that Netanyahu is happy about this Trumpian virility—after all, he is a master of delay, avoidance, and inaction. In 77 years of Israeli political history, no one comes close to him when it comes to the art of stagnation.

What will Bibi do now that Trump has outflanked him from the right? Trump has inspired the Israeli public and is demanding action from Israel. Will Netanyahu try to bring Gantz and Lapid back into his government to save himself from having to implement a right-wing policy for the first time in his 17 years as prime minister? Will he use the excuse of left-leaning "security experts" who claim that dramatic measures will lead to an "escalation"—or whatever euphemism they choose this time, to once again avoid anything right of Meretz, will he bring a Shas Rabbi to warn of any "drastic steps"?

For Israeli patriots meanwhile It all seems like a dream. All our highest expectations regarding Trump’s role in the Middle East have come true—something I, too, did not expect. But sadly, it all may become nothing more than an illusion. Netanyahu as anybody who understands World and Jewish History knows, is not a historic leader. Beyond the body language of the marketing genius, there is not 1% of the Ben-Gurion or Golda blood.

This Machiavellian atheist rarely, if ever, rises to the occasion. We saw it on October 7th when, according to a senior minister, he was in a deep coma for the first few days. And we have seen it in the year since, as he has remained aligned with the Democratic administration on almost every issue—except perhaps Rafah.

Now, standing before a leader of the stature of Julius Caesar and Napoleon—Donald John Trump—it may be time for the Jewish people to choose a leader who can look Trump in the eye and work with him, not as a political marketing artist, but as a true leader of the Jewish people.

Who is that person? Bennett? Lieberman? Or—heaven help us—perhaps we should import Jared Kushner to inject some of that unstoppable Trumpian energy into our leadership.

Until then, the Prime Minister of Israel will remain as he always has been—very much like the Palestinians in that he never misses an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

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