Abigail Idan

Letter to Abigail
An Orphan from the Versailles Disaster in a Letter to Abigail who Lost Her Parents

Limor Zussman, who lost her parents in the Versailles disaster 23 years ago, writes a letter to Abigail Idan, the four-year-old girl who was freed from captivity of the terrorist organization Hamas.

Sivan Rahav-Meir | 28.11.23

Abigail - After the Release

After the Release: Abigail Idan Met with her Aunt and Grandmother

Abigail Idan's family members published a photo of her first meeting with her aunt Liran and grandmother Shlomit, after the release of the 4-year-old girl from Hamas captivity.

JFeed | 27.11.23

Abductees, First Documentation

First Documentation: Abigail Idan is Transported in Red Cross Vehicles

The abductees were recorded sitting in the Red Cross vehicles. From a close-up photo you can see 4-year-old Abigail, for whom a whole country awaited her arrival, the members of the Goldstein and Elyakim families. The older abductee Alma Avraham was also seen lying down in ambulances.

| JFeed | 26.11.23

Hostage Deal

The Third Phase: These are the Abductees who will be Released Tonight

After 50 days in the captivity of the terrorist organization Hamas in the Gaza Strip, 13 more Israelis will be released tonight. 4-year-old Abigail Idan is on the list, which includes 9 children.

JFeed | 26.11.23