Benjamin Netanyahu

Elimination of al-Arouri
4 Months Ago: When Netanyahu Threatened to Eliminate Saleh al-Arouri | Watch

"I also heard the arrogant words of senior Hamas official al-Arouri, from his hiding place in Lebanon. He knows very well why he and his friends are in hiding places," Netanyahu said four months ago. Watch

Arye Yoeli, JFeed Staff | 02.01.24

Netanyahu's Health Status

Netanyahu's Office: Prime Minister's Current Health Status

Despite the hospitalization in July and the installation of a pacemaker, according to a recent medical report on behalf of Prime Minister Netanyahu, his condition is normal and without any impediment "to perform any activity."

| Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 31.12.23

Response to Erdoğan 

Netanyahu Responds to Erdoğan: "The Last One to Preach Morality to Us"

After the President of Turkey claimed that Israel is "no different from Hitler", Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu responded by saying that "Erdoğan, who commits genocide against the Kurds, is the last one who can preach morality to us."

Bentzi Rubin, Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 27.12.23

Voluntary Migration of Gazans

MK Danon: These are the Countries that Offered to Take in Refugees from Gaza

MK Danny Danon said that countries in South America and Africa offered Israel to take in refugees from the Gaza Strip for a fee. "Voluntary migration of Palestinians who want to leave is something that should be encouraged."

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 26.12.23

Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's Conditions

Netanyahu: These are Israel's Conditions for the Day After the War

In an article published in the Wall Street Journal, Netanyahu presented Israel's conditions for the agreement with the body that will rule Gaza after the war: the destruction of Hamas, the demilitarization of the Strip and the cessation of incitement among the Palestinians.

| JFeed Staff | 25.12.23

Special Discussion in the Knesset

"You are not Alone": Knesset Plenum in a Special Discussion for the Abductees

Dozens of the families of the abductees watched a special discussion in the Knesset plenum dedicated to the issue of the abductees and the missing. Among others, Prime Minister Netanyahu and opposition leader Lapid spoke.

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 25.12.23

Quotes from Cabinet Meeting

Netanyahu to Ministers: We Know "Roughly" the Location of Sinwar

According to quotes published in N12 news, Netanyahu explained at the cabinet meeting that Israel knows the approximate location of Sinwar; the ministers discussed the number of casualties in the fighting.

JFeed Staff | 24.12.23

Israel At War

Netanyahu: "Let it be clear – this will be a prolonged war"

Netanyahu also referred to publications according to which the United States prevented Israel from carrying out a preemptive strike in Lebanon and said that these publications are not true, Israel is a sovereign state.

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 24.12.23

Recognition of the Abductees

Netanyahu Announced: We will Examine the Recognition of the Abductees as IDF Martyrs

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu paid a condolences visit to the family of the abducted Yotam Haim, z"l, where he said he would examine the possibility of recognizing the abductees as IDF martyrs.

| Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 20.12.23

"We Will Not Stop"

Netanyahu: "Whoever Thinks We Will Stop - is not Connected to Reality"

Prime Minister Netanyahu referred to reports of a long ceasefire and said that "we will not stop fighting until all the goals that have been set are achieved, all Hamas terrorists from the first to the last are mortals."

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 20.12.23

Israel-Gaza War, Abductees

Netanyahu to the Families of the Abductees: Rescuing the Abductees is a Supreme Task

The Prime Minister's wife, who was also present at the meeting, said that she sent letters to the wives of world leaders, from mother to mother, asking them to help promote the release of the abductees.

JFeed Staff | 19.12.23

Houthi Threat

Netanyahu Spoke with the Indian Prime Minister About the Houthi Threat

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The two discussed the importance of securing freedom of navigation in the Red Sea - this in the shadow of the threat of the Houthis and the establishment of the international coalition that will operate in the region.

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 19.12.23

Israel At War

Netanyahu Considering Changing the Name of the War - Here are the Options

Over two months after the start of the 'Swords of Iron' war, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is considering changing its name. Here are the possible names.

JFeed Staff | 18.12.23

False Rumors

Contrary to Rumors: the Prime Minister will not Make an 'Urgent' Statement

After it was circulated that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will make an urgent statement to the media this evening - it turns out that the reports are not true. Also, the rumors spread about the abductees are not true.

JFeed Staff | 17.12.23

Israel At War, Netanyahu

Netanyahu Responds to the Families: "We will fight to the end, for the sake of the fallen"

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu read the letter from the bereaved families at the beginning of the government meeting and pledged that "the will of the fallen is what guides us. We will fight to the end and achieve all our goals".

JFeed Staff | 17.12.23

The Day After the War

Netanyahu: "There is a Dispute with the US Regarding the Day After"

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu referred to the tensions with the US and said that "there are disagreements about 'the day after Hamas' and I hope we will reach an agreement here as well. Gaza will be neither Hamastan nor Fatahstan."

| JFeed Staff | 12.12.23

Netanyahu & Biden

Biden Teases Netanyahu: "I do not agree with a single word of yours"

The US President stated that the US will continue to supply Israel with military equipment until Hamas is destroyed, but he made a reservation and said that public opinion could change. On the cases of rape committed by the terrorists: "Everyone must condemn without reservation".

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 12.12.23

Difference Between PA and Hamas

Netanyahu Explains: This is the Difference Between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in the Foreign Affairs and Security Committee, referred to the day after the war in Gaza, and said that there is one difference between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas.

JFeed Staff | 11.12.23

"Head of the Snake"

Ukraine Attacks: "Netanyahu Spoke to the Head of the Snake"

Ukraine's ambassador to Israel responded to the conversation between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin, saying that "this is a conversation between the head of a democratic country and the head of the snake, which is a clear and tangible danger to the entire free world."

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 11.12.23

Israel At War 

Netanyahu Left the Cabinet Meeting to Talk With Putin

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu left the cabinet meeting to talk on the phone with Russian President Vladimir Putin, with the two talking for about 50 minutes. This is the second conversation between Netanyahu and Putin since the beginning of the war in Gaza.

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 10.12.23