Brothers in Arms

'Brothers in Arms'
'Brothers in Arms' for Real and not as a Slogan | Rabbi Shachar Botschak

These days, the same citizens who were in the demonstrations of both sides enter the same tank, the same squad of fighters, and fight for weeks when every moment they are shoulder to shoulder, and their lives depend on each other.

Rabbi Shachar Botschak | 07.12.23

"A Better Society"

Senior Religious Zionist Rabbis Visited the Operations Room of 'Achim LaNeshek' ('Brothers in Arms')

The senior rabbis of the religious Zionism movement came to visit the civilian operations room of Achim LaNeshek: "On the day after the Black Shabbat, the division in the people of Israel is over, we are committed to building a better society here."

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 03.12.23

The Legal Reform

"Bombing houses knowing that they might kill children"

Shira Etting, one of the leaders of the 'Brothers in Arms' protest, was interviewed by the program '60 Minutes' and caused outrage by saying that pilots should be able to bomb houses with children inside

JFeed | 19.09.23

Riot Near Levin's House

Riot near Levin's house; Security guards rescued him in a car

The police arrested 6 protesters after they rioted near the home of Justice Minister Yariv Levin. They tried to block his car with garbage cans

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 11.09.23

Protest Outside Smotrich's Home

"Brothers in arms" outside Smotrich's residence: "another racist"

This morning, the protest of the reservists group "Brothers in Arms" arrived outside the home of Minister of Finance, Bezalel Smotrich. They stated, "Your opinions are not relevant to the majority of the citizens of the State of Israel"

JFeed | 24.08.23