
Crime, violence, Tel Aviv
South Tel Aviv violence leaves one dead and another severely injured

Violent clashes erupted in South Tel Aviv, resulting in the death of one Eritrean citizen and severe injury to another during a confrontation involving clubs, stones, and spikes on Hagana Street. 

Eliana Fleming | 08.07.24

Fight In Netanya

A wave of violence: one dead and 7 injured in a fight in Netanya

A violent fight took place between Eritrean citizens in Netanya, when one person was killed and 7 other people were injured in the incident, including one in a serious condition. MDA teams evacuated the injured to the hospital

JFeed | 30.09.23

The Danger in South Tel Aviv

Chaos in South Tel Aviv: "They abandoned us, this is a different country"

In a special interview, Erez, the owner of "Super-Super" in South Tel Aviv, talks about his feelings: "We have been warning about these dangers for two years now; it's like Sodom and Gomorrah"

Rinat Kramer, Sarit Shefek, JFeed | 03.09.23