Rabbi Dov Lando

Rabbi Meir Mazuz: It is a Mitzvah that Yeshiva Boys Visit the Wounded

Rabbi Meir Mazuz on the words of Rabbi Dov Lando, according to which yeshiva students should not comfort the mourners or visit the wounded: "In my opinion, it is a mitzvah to go to comfort, why not?"

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 19.12.23

The Jewish Wars

The Jewish wars: the senior rabbi against the Shas party

After the outrage that arose in the Shas party over the signing of an agreement between Degel Torah and Shlomei Emunim regarding support for Israel Porush for the mayorship of Elad while ignoring previous agreements, Rabbi Dov Lando announced that there was no value to past agreements and that everything was done solely for the benefit of Jewish affairs in the city

Yehuda Klein, JFeed Staff | 12.09.23