
Rabbi Meir Zvi Bergman
Litvaks public leader on spitting: "total ban"

The leader of the Lita'im public, Rabbi Meir Zvi Bergman, strongly condemned the phenomenon of spitting against Christians: blaspheming God is terrible, it is absolutely forbidden to do so

JFeed | 05.10.23


Netanyahu: "Zero tolerance for any harm to worshipers"

Netanyahu condemns the incident in which Christians were spat on: "I strongly condemn any attempt to intimidate the believers, and I am committed to taking immediate and decisive measures against this phenomenon"

JFeed | 03.10.23

Rabbi Shmuel Reiner

On spitting and human dignity: "The weapon of the weak and the poor"

Jews spat on pilgrims, adding insult to injury by saying that this was an ancient Jewish custom. There were times when there were indeed good and worthy reasons for hostility between Jews and Christians, but today we live in a different world. A halachic and moral perspective

Rabbi Shmuel Reiner | 03.10.23