State Camp

Israel-Gaza War, Politics
Likud on Gantz's move for early elections: A prize for Sinwar

Likud on the State Camp's efforts to disperse the Knesset: "In the midst of war, Israel needs unity and not division."

Avi Woolf | 30.05.24

Israel-Gaza War, Politics

State Camp MK Matan Kahana: If progress is made on a hostage deal, we will likely stay in the government

Kahana made this statement after State Camp party leader Benny Gantz threatened to leave the emergency government by mid-June if certain conditions weren't met.

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff | 27.05.24

Israel-Gaza War, Politics

New Poll: Likud Still Foundering, Strengthening Slightly Under Barkat

A new poll shows Likud under Netanyahu continuing to poll in the mid-teens, moving into the twenties under Economy Minister Nir Barkat.

JFeed Staff | 21.01.24

"Support The Camera Law"

A surprising supporter from the opposition: "We will support the camera law"

Surprising support for the camera law, Benny Gantz who said: "We need to make sure that this is a reliable technology that does not discriminate against citizens, if that happens we will support the law"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 18.09.23

"Unfit as Knesset's Chairman"

In the opposition, they criticize: "Unfit to serve as Knesset chairman."

The opposition parties are criticizing Knesset Speaker Amir Ohana following his statement that the judiciary cannot make a decision. In the royal camp, they claim that this is a prelude to anarchy. Knesset Member Gilad Kariv said, "It's crossing a red line."

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff | 06.09.23