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Ancient arrowheads
Ancestors of the Houthis?

Ancient Yemenite arrowheads discovered in Israel’s Negev 

Archaeologists uncover merchant caravan grave linked to ancient spice trade.

Avi Nachmani
A carved installation identified as an altar

Treasures from Ancient Judea

First Temple-Era ritual complex discovered in Jerusalem 

Avi Nachmani
Wall paintings in Lascaux France

Prehistoric Israelis

Ancient mystery unravelled: Israel’s missing cave art decoded  

Avi Nachmani
Mosaic unearthed near Kiryat Gat

A window to the past

1,500-year-old gem unearthed in Kiryat Gat: A mosaic masterpiece 

Avi Nachmani
Alexander Yannai medal

Discovered on Hanukkah 

Ancient Hasmonean coins unearthed on Hanukkah - The timing is incredible 

Gila Isaacson
The 1700 year old lamp unearthed in Jerusalem

Just in time for Hannukah

1,700-year-old lamp unearthed in Jerusalem: A glimpse into ancient Jewish rituals 

Avi Nachmani
Syrian Hermon

Raiders of the Lost Archives? 

Israel accused of sending military archaeologists into Syria 

Gila Isaacson
IDF forces in Syria.

IDF heads deeper into Syria

Israeli Troops and 'Archaeologists' Advance Deeper into Southern Syria

Eliana Fleming
Tower of David in Jerusalem

Earliest evidence of King David

Oldest stone mentioning King David arrives in NYC

Avi Nachmani
Egyptian scarab

Ancient amulet found in Israel

Girl from Hod Hasharon finds 3,500-year-old Egyptian amulet 

Avi Nachmani
The ancient tools discovered in the excavation, Beit Shemesh

Beit Shemesh, 5,000 Year-Old-City

5,000 year-old city discovered near Beit Shemesh

Avi Nachmani
Detail of a sculpture of Ramses II in Luxor temple

Ramses II, Egypt, Exodus, Archeology

Ancient sword linked to Ramses II uncovered - could it be from the time of Moses? 

Avi Nachmani
Memorial candle

Tragedy, Accident

Horrific tragedy in Or Akiva: 4-year-old boy dies in freak gate accident

Gila Isaacson
The Reuben and Edith Hecht Museum in Haifa

Haifa Museum, Archeology

Only in Israel: Haifa Museum welcomes back child who shattered ancient jar

Gila Isaacson
Rare stone seal, 2,700 years old

Israel Antiquities Authority

RARE FIND: 2,700 years old stone seal discovered  in Jerusalem

Gila Isaacson
3,000 year old jug at Haifa Museum

Haifa Museum, Ancient Artifact

Child shatters 3,000 year old artifact at Haifa Museum

Gila Isaacson
Madeleine is a station on line 14 of the Paris Metro

Paris, Antisemitism

Man attacks Jewish family on Paris Metro, "Hitler was right, he should have killed all the Jews"

Gila Isaacson
2nd Temple archaeological site

Archaeological Discovery, Jerusalem, 2nd Temple

Must-See: Historic 2nd Temple find in Jerusalem  

Avi Nachmani2
image of something

Biblical Scarlet, Dyed Textile, Judean Desert

3,800-year-old textile dyed with Biblical scarlet unearthed 

Avi Nachmani
Ancient ring discovered on Mount Carmel

Israel Antiquities Authority, Mount Carmel

Israeli Teen Discovers Ancient Ring Depicting Roman War Goddess While Hiking on Mount Carmel

Gila Isaacson