battle shock

Initiative for Helping Veterans with Battle Shock
The team for treating soldiers with battle shock: "Only the IDF has the knowledge"

After the suicide cases of veterans with battle shock and the decision of the Ministry of Defense to establish a special inspection team, the leaders of the lobby for assistance to veterans with battle shock and their families, send their blessings and promise to continue to follow the issue

Bentzi Rubin, Srugim News | 13.08.23

"Sent to Battle and Abandoned"

"Sent us to battle and then abandoned us": A man with combat shock in a chilling interview

Omer Amsalem, dealing with combat shock, in a candid conversation with Srugim reveals the struggle for "daily survival," the ordeals of post-traumatic stress, and the most painful aspect, "we're not to blame for being sent to battle and then abandoned"

Sarit Shefek, Srugim News | 10.08.23