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Moshe Arbel

Interior Minister Moshe Arbel
Israel Cracks Down on Support for Terrorism

No more tolerance: Interior Minister moves for mass deportation of terrorist families

Israel’s Interior Minister, Moshe Arbel, has announced plans to deport the families of individuals who have shown support for terrorist organizations. Including three individuals in particular who showed direct affiliation with Hamas. 

Eliana Fleming
Picture of the permission paper given to the terrorist just 3 days ago

WHY was a terrorist allowed into the country??? We need answers!

Major Security Breach: The Shin Bet ALLOWED a terrorist from Morocco to enter Israel

Eliana Fleming
Fallen soldier Geri Gideon's family who made Aliyah

Fallen soldier, Aliyah from India, Terror attack victim

Uplifting moment: Fallen soldier's family moves to Israel a month after his death

Eliana Fleming, JFeed Staff
Interior Minister Arbel and Hamid Abu Arar.

Israel-Gaza War, Bedouin

Bedouin who saved soldiers' lives on October 7 made permanent resident

Oz Israel Schwartz, JFeed Staff
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Israel-Gaza War, UN

Israel Bans UN Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories From Entering the Country

Avi Woolf
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Israel-Gaza War, Charedim, Interior Ministry

Interior Minister Moshe Arbel To Assist Netzach Yehudah Association, Which Works to Recuit Charedim

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff
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Interior Ministry, Bureaucracy

New Law Proposal for Renewing IDs and Passports Online Without Leaving Home

Avi Woolf
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Residency Revoked 

Minister Arbel Revoked the Residency of a Senior Hamas Official in Jerusalem

JFeed Staff
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Local Authority Elections

In Shadow of Criticism: This is How the Fighters in Gaza will Vote in the Local Authority Elections

JFeed Staff
Betzalel Smotrich.

Israel-Gaza War, Local Elections

FM Smotrich to Interior Minister Arbel: Delay the Elections, the People are In the Reserves

Chani Edri, JFeed Staff
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Local Authority Elections

They will not be Postponed Again: this is the Date of the Local Authority Elections

JFeed Staff
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Removal of Civil Status

The Minister of the Interior Announced: Denial of Status to Terrorists in Prison

Yair Amar, JFeed Staff1
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Israel-Gaza War

Interior Minister Arbel: Examine Revoking Citizenship for Terror-Supporting Actress

Simcha Raz, JFeed Staff1
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A Terrorist Was Sent to Hadassah Hospital for Treatment, and Refused

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A Special Grant

Smotrich: A Special Grant for Residents of the Gaza Strip Envelope

Moshe Arbel

"Uphold the Ruling of the Legal Advisor"

Minister Arbel: "Uphold the ruling of the Legal Advisor regarding the separation"

Bentzi Rubin, JFeed Staff
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History: Moshe Arbel will Speak at the UN

History at the UN: An ultra-Orthodox minister will speak at the General Assembly

Bentzi Rubin, Liran Vainshtain, JFeed
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"She and her Family Gave a Lot"

Moshe Arbel on the legal advisor: Do you know who she is married to?

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Smotrich will Transfer the Money

Arbel intervened - Smotrich will transfer money to the Arab authorities

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff
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Shaked Mocks Smotrich

Ayelet Shaked mocks: "Smotrich gave in like a good little boy"

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff