Paris, France

FPA: Eiffel Tower once again shut down due to strike

Unions claim the operating company overestimates future visitors and underestimates repair and maintenance costs.

(Photo: stocker1970/Shutterstock)

The Eiffel Tower is once again shut down due to a workers' strike, the second such strike in two months, according to the AFP.

Striking workers claim that operating company SETE bases its business model on an inflated estimate of future visitors and that the 60 billion Euros it received to compensate for lack of income during the COVID crisis was insufficient to ensure proper maintenance and repairs, including a paint job.

This is the second such strike to take place at the iconic Paris landmark, the first having taken place on December 27, 2023, the 100th anniversary of Gustav Eiffel, the French engineer whose company designed and built the tower.

The Tower operator has told ticket holders to check the website to see if it is open or postpone their visit until the work stoppage is resolved.


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