Termination of Appearances

Channel 14 panelist announced: I will no longer appear on the channel

Following Yinon Magal's words during a discussion about the assassination of Rabin, former Knesset member Mossi Raz announced the termination of his appearances on Channel 14: "Yinon Magal's words last night are outrageous"

(Photo: Channel 14)

Former Knesset member Mossi Raz announced this morning that due to Yinon Magal's remarks last night, he is discontinuing his appearances on Channel 14.

Last night, during the program 'The Patriots,' a discussion was held on the subject of Rabin's assassination. During the discussion, Magal stated that when there is no dialogue, the result is violence.

This morning, Raz wrote on his Twitter account: "Yinon Magal's statements last night were outrageous. I am announcing a suspension of my appearances on Channel 14. I will decide if and when to return to the channel based on his future conduct."

As a reminder, Raz began appearing as a panelist on the program 'The Patriots' a few weeks ago, after the attorney Ari Shamai was removed from the channel. Shamai was dismissed after advocating for the release of Yigal Amir, the assassin of former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, z"l.

From 'The Patriots' (courtesy of Channel 14)


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