Fairy Tale Love Story

Love has no age | The couple who married at the age of 90

Yevgeny and Riva's fairy tale love story: they first met as neighbors in the city of Safed and deepened their acquaintance while working together in the city. Last month, after Yevgeny celebrated his 90th birthday, he proposed to Riva (83) to marry him. The couple got married according to religious and legal customs last month.

(Photography: Nesia Murai)

The love story of Riva Fuchs and Yevgeny Minivich began in the 1990s. The Fuchs family immigrated to Israel from Ukraine, and the Mivibich family immigrated from Russia. The two families lived next to each other in the city of Safed, and a good neighborly relationship was formed.

Over the years, Riva and Yevgeny were widowed, and even during moments of crisis, they supported each other, and their friendship grew stronger. However, "it's not a typical story about a second marriage," says their granddaughter, Nesia Morai. The couple has a complex life story. Riva was just a young girl during World War II, and Yevgeny lost his entire family and became an orphan at the age of 9, growing up in an orphanage.

The happy couple (photo: Nesia Murai)

Both immigrated to Israel at an advanced age, Riva Fuchs, who was a mechanical engineer by profession, worked in Israel in odd jobs and so did Yevgeni. But nothing stopped Riva.

When she heard from her friends about an organization called "Holocaust Survivors and Victims in the USSR and Eastern Europe in Israel," she didn't hesitate and immediately joined the cause. Riva established a branch in the city of Safed, and today she is the chairperson of the Safed branch and responsible for the northern district, while Yevgeny serves as her deputy and assists her in everything.

Riva is well-known in the city of Safed, and if you ask the local residents, they will immediately tell you that she is an extraordinary, caring, and proactive woman. Even at her advanced age, she continues to be socially active. Riva is also involved in advocacy work at the Knesset (Israeli parliament), and more than once, she traveled to Jerusalem specifically to address the difficulties faced by those in need and to assist vulnerable individuals. They operate within the authorities and support newly arrived families in Safed to acclimate to their new lives.

"I wanted even G-d above to know that we are a real couple" (Photo: Nesia Murai)

On this year's Holocaust Remembrance Day, Riva lit a memorial flame at the central ceremony in Safed, and recently, about Yevgeny a book that presents his life story was published. And if that's not enough social activity, the couple always meets with teenagers from various schools to share their story with the younger generation.

Last April, Yevgeny celebrated his 90th birthday. He decided that it was the right time to make significant decisions. Yevgeny said, "We are known as a couple in the community. Now I want even G-d above to know that we are a true couple." During a vacation, Yevgeny took out a ring and proposed marriage to Riva.

according to the religion of Moses and Israel (photo: Nesia Murai)

Rabbi Baruch Aristar, the Chabad Rabbi in the community, took care of preparations for the special wedding, and last month, they entered under the wedding canopy and celebrated their wedding according to the traditions of Moses and Israel. The couple was wed by Rabbi Bistritzky under the canopy, which was held in Safed at the Aliyah House, the place where Yevgeny and Riva conduct their social work.

The ceremony was attended by the happy couple's families and friends, and also, the Deputy Mayor of Safed, Arkadi Brest, came to congratulate the couple.

Riva moved many with her emotions and said: "I was told that on the wedding day, the bride has a special ability to bless others. I want to bless all of Israel with good health, security, companionship, family, and a good life!"

Mazel Tov! (photo: Nesia Murai)


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