Travel, Driver's License

Drivers can now learn how many points they have on their license online

The Transportation Ministry announced that those with driver's licenses and who are registered in the national identification system can now know the number of points on their license online.

(Photo: Karolis Kavolelis/Shutterstock)

Those in possession of driver's licenses and who are part of the government's national identification system can now easily check how many points they have on their license by going to the Transportation Ministry's site and checking online.

Until now, drivers could learn this information by going to license offices, malls, and Super-Pharm stores and by using the call center. Now, the process is even simpler.

Transportation Minister Miri Regev noted that this change comes as part of a broader reform, meant to make it possible for all citizens to carry out any action or payment via computer or cellphone, without the need to go to a Ministry office or department.

Miri Regev Transportation Ministry Driver's License Open Government


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