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Weather Forecast

Hotter than Usual; Rain and Winds: Weather Forecast

Weather is expected to remain unchanged until the beginning of the week, then there will be a change in trend and it will be cool. The rain will drop for a visit on Thursday. Weather Forecast.

Photo: Shabtay, Shutterstock

Weather is expected to remain unchanged until the beginning of the week, then there will be a change in trend and it will be cool. The rain will drop for a visit on Thursday.

Thursday: Partly cloudy. Temperatures will continue to be higher than normal for the season. Mostly light localized rain is possible. From the evening hours, strong easterly winds will begin to blow in the northern mountains.

Friday: Partly cloudy. During the morning, strong easterly winds will continue to blow in the northern mountains. No noticeable change in temperatures.

Saturday: usually bright. Temperatures will remain unchanged.

Sunday: clear to partly cloudy. There will be a slight drop in temperatures and they will return to normal for the season.


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