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Israel-Gaza War

IDF Rear Command declares additional loosening of restrictions on crowding in most areas

The IDF has continuously and carefully loosened assembly and activity restrictions in the Gaza Perimeter, in "conflict zone" areas, and in the rest of the country based on security assessments.

Evacuated children from Kibbutz Nir Am.
Photo: Miriam Alster/Flash90

IDF Rear Command has announced (Sunday) further loosening of restrictions on activity and assembly in areas outside the conflict zones in the north and south, with the exception of the southern cities of Ashkelon and Netivot, where a 15,000 person assembly restriction is still in place.

Assembly rules are now stricter in the northern conflict zone than in the Gaza Perimeter, with only 30 people allowed to assemble in open areas, as opposed to 100 in the Perimeter.

Rules for going to work and school are the same, on condition that there are safe areas to run to in time of emergency.


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