Israel, Iran

Netanyahu: "We are prepared for scenarios of challenges from other theaters"

The Prime Minister spoke of Israel's "defensive and offense capabilities" when visiting the Tel Nof air base.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. (Photo: Kobi Gideon, Government Press Office)

With reports of possible attacks on Israel directly from Iranian soil, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu conducted a visit at Tel Nof Air Force base, where he met with the soldiers of Squadron 133, which operates F-15 planes.

The Prime Minister said that "we are in challenging days. We are in the midst of a war in Gaza which is continuing in full force, while at the same time we are continuing unending efforts to return our hostages, but are also preparing for challenges from other theaters."

Netanyahu added that "we established a simple principle - those who hurt us, we hurt them. We are preparing to meet Israel's security needs both on defense and the offensive."


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Israel-Gaza War

IDF leaves Jebaliya - and takes stock

During the operation, the IDF eliminated dozens of terrorists, destroyed multiple tunnels and weapons stores.

Avi Woolf | 31.05.24

Israel-Gaza War

Watch: IDF strikes Hezbollah military structures

The IDF struck four Hezbollah military compounds in the Aitaroun and Markaba areas in southern Lebanon overnight.

Avi Woolf | 31.05.24

Israel-Gaza War

Watch: IDF continues to push ahead in Gaza Strip

The IDF continues to eliminate terrorists and destroy weapons caches and tunnels in the north, south, and center of the Gaza Strip.

Avi Woolf | 31.05.24

Polls, Elections

Second poll confirms Gantz's collapse to 25 seats

A new poll published by Maariv shows Gantz's State Camp party leading Netanyahu's Likud by just three seats.

Avi Woolf | 31.05.24


Yossi Cohen: Israel needs the ability to take on Iran's nuclear project alone

Cohen: "I suggest the Iranians not check if Israel has that ability. Iran will not act when there is sufficient deterrence

JFeed Staff | 30.05.24

Israel-Gaza War, Rafah

Rafah crossing to be opened under Palestinian auspices?

American pressure led to the reopening of Rafah crossing to humanitarian aid. Now Israel is looking into withdrawing IDF forces and letting a Palestinian force take over.

JFeed Staff | 30.05.24

Israel-Gaza War, Northern Front

Watch: IDF eliminates two Hezbollah terrorist squads

The IDF targeted and eliminated two Hezbollah terrorist squads hiding in buildings in Hula and Maroun a-Ras.

Avi Woolf | 30.05.24

Israel-Gaza War

N12 News: Hamas has hundreds, not thousands of rockets left

Hamas is reportedly suffering from an increasing rocket shortage due to firing off much of its ammunition, as well as successful IDF efforts in destroying stores and manufacturing capacity.

Avi Woolf | 30.05.24

Israel-Gaza War

The Rafah operation: Here's how many terrorists have been killed so far

A month has passed since the Rafah operation began, and the government estimates that some 300 terrorists have been killed in the process, according to spokesperson David Mencer.

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 30.05.24

Israel-Gaza War, Politics

State Camp party files for early elections

Following Minister Eizenkot's fierce criticism of the Prime Minister, the State Camp party submitted a proposal to disperse the Knesset and go to early elections.

JFeed Staff | 30.05.24

Israel-Gaza War, Iran

IDF: Cruise missile intercepted over Golan Heights

The IDF confirmed that a cruise missile fired from the east, possibly Iraq, was intercepted at the Golan Heights. No damage or casualties were caused.

JFeed Staff | 30.05.24

Israel-Gaza War

Watch: IDF tanks roll through Gaza Strip

IDF forces continue to operate in the Jebaliya and Rafah areas, eliminating multiple terrorists and destroying weapons stocks.

Avi Woolf | 30.05.24