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Report: Lebanese Army beginning to deploy in southern Lebanon

Despite a number of violations by Hezbollah, the handover of southern Lebanon from the IDF to the Lebanese Army is going smoothly.

Lebanese Army in southern Lebanon. (Screenshot.)

The Lebanese Army announced today (Wednesday) that it has established five outposts in the areas of Khiam and Marj Ayyun in southern Lebanon, as it establishes its control of the region in accordance with the ceasefire.

The Lebanese Army had begun deploying in the area a few days after the ceasefire by concentrating in the city of Tyre, and is now fanning out to carry out its duties of ensuring security and the complete demilitarization of southern Lebanon in accordance with the ceasefire and UN Resolution 1701.

The ceasefire coordination committee also began meeting last week, with representatives of the US, France, UNIFIL, the Lebanese Army, and the IDF meeting at Naqoura along the border to ensure the carrying out of the agreement.

The IDF has meantime withdrawn from some of the areas it occupied in southern Lebanon, but it still maintains the capability of retaking areas should war with Hezbollah erupt again.

Lebanese Caretaker Prime Minister told Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez that Israel must commit to withdrawing from the areas it holds within Lebanon and that Resolution 1701 must be fully implemented.


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