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Lahav 443 summons MK Tali Gottlieb for questioning – she isn't taking it

Tali Gottlieb has to be either very brave or very stupid to ignore Lahav 443.

Tali Gottlieb (Photo: Chaim Goldberg / Flash90)

Likud MK Tali Gottlieb revealed Tuesday she was summoned for questioning by Israel's serious crime unit Lahav 433, but announced she won't comply, citing parliamentary immunity. She shared her response on X (formerly Twitter), where she also took a swipe at Israeli media.

"A Lahav investigator politely invited me for questioning on January 13, even offering to reschedule if inconvenient," Gottlieb posted. "I advised her to stop contacting me as I have no intention of appearing." She added sarcastically that she provided the investigator with journalist Aviad Glickman's phone number "for easy copy-pasting" of her response.

The summons follows Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara's June approval of a criminal investigation into Gotlieb for allegedly revealing the identity of a security service officer connected to protest leader Prof. Shikma Bressler. Gottlieb has maintained her parliamentary immunity protects her from such investigations.

In recent weeks, Gottlieb proposed legislation requiring 90 Knesset members' approval before any parliamentarian could be investigated or prosecuted - a direct response to the Attorney General's investigation authorization.


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