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Bizarre and hideous

Bulgarian nutritionist gives outrageous dieting advice: "There were no fat people in Auschwitz"

Once-respected Bulgarian nutritionist Dr. Lyudmila Emilova claimed to cure her own chronic illnesses through fasting and tea. Her journey has taken a dark turn as Jewish organizations and government officials demand she answer for comparing concentration camp starvation to diet success stories on the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Gila Isaacson
Gila Isaacson
2 min read
Photo Exhibition in Auschwitz concentration camp
Photo Contributor Sergii Figurnyi

Bulgaria's Foreign Ministry and Jewish organizations have strongly condemned controversial nutritionist Dr. Lyudmila Emilova's comments comparing Holocaust concentration camp starvation to weight loss, made on the eve of International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Emilova, who gained prominence in Bulgaria after studying under famous naturopath Lidiya Kovacheva and promoting a system of therapeutic fasting with fruits and honey-sweetened tea, sparked outrage during a January 26 interview on Nova Television's "Wake Up" morning show.

The doctor, who claims to have cured her own health issues including migraines, chronic gastritis, and liver problems through this dietary system, made the inflammatory claim that there "wasn't a single fat person in Auschwitz" and suggested that Holocaust survivors who lived past 100 did so because they "cleansed their bodies" through starvation at the death camp.

She neglected to mention not only the millions who perished in horrific ways, but also those who were physically mutilated by Mengele's experiments and the emotional and mental scars which accompanied them throughout their lives.

The Bulgarian Foreign Ministry immediately denounced the remarks as "extremely inappropriate and offensive," emphasizing that such comments have no place in Bulgarian society, known for its "humanity, tolerance, solidarity and harmonious coexistence." The ministry particularly noted the timing of the comments, made just before January 27, which marks the 80th anniversary of Auschwitz's liberation.

The Organization of the Jews in Bulgaria Shalom and its partner organizations issued a comprehensive statement condemning the remarks as "not only shameful and cynical, but also deeply offensive." They emphasized that drawing parallels between the Holocaust – one of humanity's darkest chapters – and topics like health or diets is "unacceptable and disgraceful."

Shalom called for immediate action, demanding a public apology from Dr. Emilova and urging Nova TV to take a clear stance against Holocaust trivialization. Nova Television's "Wake Up" show team has since distanced itself from Emilova's comments, offering "sincere apologies" to viewers and Holocaust victims' families.

The Bulgarian Foreign Ministry immediately denounced the remarks as "extremely inappropriate and offensive," emphasizing that such comments have no place in Bulgarian society, known for its "humanity, tolerance, solidarity and harmonious coexistence." The ministry particularly noted the timing of the comments, made just before January 27, which marks the 80th anniversary of Auschwitz's liberation.

The Sofia Globe contributed to this article.

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