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Petition Against the Legal Advisor 

Unprecedented: Minister Wasserlauf petitioned against the legal advisor

Minister Yitzhak Wasserlauf filed a complaint against the Attorney General after not receiving a response from her regarding the lack of enforcement against the protests' disruptions. According to him: "She is shirking her duties and abandoning the public in the face of the violence"

Yitzhak Wasserlauf
Photo: Yonatan Sindel, Flash 90

The Minister of the Negev, the Galilee and National Resilience Yitzhak Wasserlauf filed a petition to the High Court today (Thursday) against the legal advisor to the government, Gali Baharav-Miara, claiming that he did not receive an adequate response regarding the lack of enforcement on the rioters in the protests against the legal reform.

According to Wasserlauf's claim: "There is no alternative but judicial intervention following the lack of enforcement against the series of disruptions that occurred during the protest against the judicial reform." Additionally, as part of the appeal, the minister requested that the court issue orders to Attorney General Miara to clarify why no indictments were filed against the leaders of the road blockades or alternatively explain why instructions for traffic obstructions are not considered mistakes and, when examining roadblocks motivated by ideological reasons, significant weight should be given to the right to demonstrate.

"Abandoning the public"

Minister Wasserlauf emphasized in the appeal that the government's legal advisor acts unequivocally in selective enforcement and leaves the public exposed to violence and criminal acts: "She dissociates herself from her duties and leaves the public exposed to systematic criminal violence," the minister said. He further added, "I will not rest or remain silent in the face of the selective enforcement that cries out to the heavens, and therefore I filed an appeal to the High Court against the State Attorney's Office, which fails to fulfill its role."

"Abandoning the public", the legal advisor
Photo: Tomer Neuberg/Flash 90

According to him, "On several occasions, I appealed and urged the government's legal advisor to put an end to selective enforcement and warned that the conduct of the prosecution in this imbalance could lead to undermining the rule of law and risking public trust in law enforcement systems."

"The prosecution, which during the disengagement period acted like a fearsome tiger and filed hundreds of indictments in fast-track proceedings against road-blocking protesters, including requests for remand until the end of the proceedings, has turned into a sleepy cat when it comes to protests against the reform. It doesn't even make the slightest effort to enforce anything against the lawbreakers who create chaos on the streets of Israel."


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