Ohana to Ambassadors: We Don't Just Need You When We're Being Massacred
The Knesset Chairman met with and spoke to 50 foreign ambassadors and diplomatic representatives at the Knesset.

Today (Monday), Knesset Chairman Amir Ohana along with Sderot Mayor Alon Davidi hosted some 50 ambassadors and diplomatic representatives from around the world stationed in Israel, with the aim of sending a message to their countries’ leaders regarding the war and the return of the hostages.
“We have never lost so many of our people in one day since the Holocaust. This was done not only by Hamas members, but also members of Islamic Jihad and also Gazan residents who crossed the border and committed the worst actions one can imagine and those one can’t,” Ohana said. “Nothing save the elimination of the terror is acceptable. We need your support not only when we’re being massacred – but also when we are working to protect ourselves from the possibility that such a thing could ever happen. We will need your support in the near future when our forces work to drive out terror.”

In his speech, Ohana told the ambassadors of a heart-rending conversation he had with a father from Kfar Aza hours before the meeting: “He told me of his wife and three daughters currently being held captive in Gaza. There are 199 captives there. Imagine that those are your children. That this is your wife. Enlist all your influence in your country to free them immediately.”
Sderot Mayor Alon Davidi told the ambassadors that “for the last 20 years, Sderot and the settlements around Gaza have been under attack. They tried to convince us that if we give them water, electricity, goods, and work permits – it will all work out. You speak of a diplomatic solution but we live this. Now what we need is to crush Hamas. You know how hard it is to bury 41 people with your own hands? They and the other murdered – none was given a chance to flee. Hamas slaughtered babies and burned them. That’s the reason I left Sderot for nine days, for the first time. You should know this and tell your leadership that Israel must win this war.”