
Israel At War
Kibbutz Be'eri Announces: Ilan Weiss, who was Considered Missing - was Murdered

The family of Ilan Weiss from Kibbutz Be'eri, who was considered missing since October 7, received a message that he was murdered in a massacre. His wife Shiri and daughter Noga were abducted to the Gaza Strip and released in the hostage deal.

JFeed Staff | 01.01.24

Missing Person

Have you seen Amichai? The Police are Asking for Assistance in the Search

The police are looking for a missing resident of Netanya, aged 48, named Amihai Cohen. According to the police report, he was last seen yesterday on Yehuda Halevi Street in Netanya.

JFeed | 25.10.23

"We Will Shake the Country"

The families of the kidnapped and missing: "If necessary, we will shake the country"

The families of the kidnapped and missing individuals met with the President of the State, Isaac Herzog, and with the Commissioner for the Captives and the Missing, Gal Hirsch: "If necessary, we will shake the country"

Liran Vainshtain, JFeed Staff | 10.10.23

Hirsch: in Charge of Abductees and Missing Persons

Netanyahu appointed Gal Hirsch to be in charge of the issue of abductees and missing persons

Netanyahu appointed Brigadier General (Res.) Gal Hirsch as the person in charge of the issue of captives and missing persons, a position that has remained vacant for the past ten months since the government was formed

Guy Ezra, JFeed Staff | 08.10.23

Missing Persons were Located

After over a day: Dozens of missing persons were located near Netivot

Nearly 30 hours after going missing, dozens of young people were found in fields near Netivot and are making their way on foot to a safe area. It appears that the young people hid from the terrorists who arrived at the nature party in Kibbutz Re'im

JFeed | 08.10.23

The Missing Girl has been Located

The search is over: the girl who was missing in New York has been located

After two days of extensive searches, the New York Police announced that they have located Charlotte Sena, a 9-year-old girl who went missing during a family trip to Moreau Lake. Her parents received a letter with a ransom demand, and the kidnapper's fingerprints were found on it

Uriel Be'eri, JFeed Staff | 03.10.23

The Fires in Hawaii

The fires in Hawaii: the death toll has risen to 99

The death toll from the wildfires in Hawaii has risen to 99, with rescue teams still working in the area. Despite the hopes of the families of the missing, the governor of Hawaii clarified that "at this stage it is a mission to find all those who are no longer with us"

Uriel Be'eri, Srugim News | 15.08.23